Application ProcessOctober 21, 20220

Visa Interview Preparation

Visa Interview Preparation : Every student should prepare for student visa interview when planning to study abroad. You need to be well equipped and prepared to make sure that your application passes through. Once the visa application is submitted, you would receive notification that you need to attend the visa interview. Not only ‘visa interview’, now a days many universities take interviews prior to the visa process. Following are some suggestions that could come handy when appearing for the Student visa interview:

Talk about self: When appearing for a visa interview, be vocal about self. Mention about your academics beginning from secondary education. Highlight your achievements during your academic years for more credibility.

Mention about the work experience (optional): If you have been working do not fail to mention about the same. Information as this helps in understanding the gap you took between your studies. In case you do not have any work experience, you can mention about a training you underwent or any exams your prepared for (if any) to justify the gap.

Talk about your family: Mention about your family members including number of siblings. Talk of your parents’ financial status and the family assets that you listed in the financial documents. This gives them the understanding of your financial stability in the home country.

Justify the choice of your country: Provide substantial reasons as to why you chose the particular country over others. Also justify why you chose not to study in the native country.

The Choice of Course: Cite reasonable grounds why you want to pursue a coursework and how it might help you build your abilities, advance your profession, and secure your future. Summarize the curriculum and the abilities you possess for it. You should be well-informed about the credit scores, semesters, intakes, specializations, tuition fees, and core subjects the course offers.

Validate your choice of the university: Mention the perks of studying in the particular university. Draw a comparison with other universities to provide better clarity.

Future Prospects: You must clearly outline your career goal, what work prospects await you once you return to your native land, and how your profession will evolve.

Financial Background: Talk about your sponsors and their income and economic condition in your birth country. It is mandatory that a student provides comprehensive information about their financial sponsors.

Accommodation: Emphasize your investigation into where you will be staying, how you will get to your university, and what modes of transportation are available, among other things.

Visa history: Talk about your visa clearance history from the past.

Visa Interview Preparation

These tips can really help when preparing for the student visa interview. If you need more help, do not hesitate to consult the Xpert overseas consultants at UniXperts. All consultations are free of cost. Register here.


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